I have been training since I was twelve years old. I have competed at a fairly high level and have been a strength and conditioning coach since 1984. I can tell when something works and when it doesn’t. I believe many products today are marketed and sold based heavily on personal testimonials. I want to take a different approach. What does the (very skeptical) scientific and medical community say about food supplements? If research has not been conducted and performance trials documented they most likely they will not be accepted products. It is important to note; fUS has specific and strategic nutrient ingredients, in precise dosages, which truly make fUS a tactical supplement. Researching fUS, illustrates the nutrient ingredients, B vitamins and caffeine have all been interestingly tweaked for a tactical purpose (that’s a whole other topic). The ingredient I want to elaborate on is the amino acid “Glutamine”. Glutamine is a great producer of nitrogen and nitrogen is vital to high stressed athletes. If you look at the effects of micro trauma on tissue in highly trained athletes you will see the damage.
Membranes of tissues tear, contents leak out and thus the inflammatory phases begin. Proper administration of nutrients specifically Glutamine has been shown to increase the rate of repair and to a substantial level.
So how has the medical community bought into this. Many hospitals have added Glutamine based products into their nutrition formularies.
Specifically for the treatment decubitus ulcers, “bed sores”. Also post surgical patients heal much faster.
So if you know what it means when a hospital accepts and adds a product to its pharmacy formulary list, then you will realize how fUS needs to be a part of your training regimen.